
Reductionist Identifiable and quantifiable (although the fact quantify everything must not obsess us, since you can always go to Whitney categories or qualitative measures) impact indicators can be designed with two approaches: or Reductionist (simple: temperature, pH, concentration of contaminants, surface area occupied, etc.). Disadvantages: high number of variables which causes a high amount of indicators and hinders the synthesis of impacts when it comes to the overall evaluation. Advantages: simplicity, easy to measure. or holistic (structural indexes: diversity, richness, p/b, complexity food webs, curve of abundance of species, etc.). Disadvantages: dilution effects on global indicators, which mask important impacts. Advantages: with a very synthetic character indexes. Methodology of impact assessment. A. identification of actions of the project:-to modify the land use. -That you exploit natural resources. -That you emit pollutants. -That you induce secondary impacts. -That you induce natural risks. B. identification of susceptible factors of the MA. -Impact indicators. -Indices of structure. C. cross between acciones-factores and cause - effect. D. Description of impacts there are many ways of dealing with these problems of choice. Enters them include mainly: modelling: or empirical (in logical and supositivo way). or mathematics. or essay tests. Overlapping impacts. Scenarios compared (by analogy with similar projects) and lists of contrast of possible conditions (listings that already exist with potential conditions according to the medium and depending on the project type). Consult expert panels (there is a method, known as Delphi method of queries to experts which consists of pass questionnaires to experts, that these respond and then pass the answers to other experts and that they criticize, which maticen them in such a way that can give feedback process through these criticisms first experts and making them). Technical advantages disadvantages list of contrasts (on a list of potential impacts, draw up a list with...