
King Solomon You put so much effort and creativity in this book, which along with your prestige does that bands many copies, you also hire for a children's publishing house, or better still, do you think your own company. You're doing what you like, what you dreamed, you're done, your creativity and imagination have no limits. Could it be that in this state of consciousness it is possible that you carezcas something? Note that you were never thinking about money, but in helping children, therefore life reciprocated it you with success and abundance, the best thing is that this success attracts more success, you have endless ideas. The service life is a double-edged weapon because it sets in motion the law of giving and receiving, to receive first must give. Laws of the universe are as accurate as mathematics, nothing more than put them to test so that you can see its effects. This example can be applied to any profession, occupation or trade, everything is service, if you replace the concept of work for service you will see how all your around turns. Laws of the universe are impersonal and does not discriminate against anyone. I am sure that you have some idea for a long and you've not implemented it by fear or because you think you won't succeed. The important thing is that your desire is free from selfishness. Your project or desire to be free from selfishness and what you plan to do whether to bless another part of life, forward! without fear! The universe will pounce on you to fulfill your purpose. Already It had been mentioned that when we come to the world we come with a purpose to fulfil, because well, it may be that such a project or idea you have in mind already...
Meanings Conquer The arcane greater VIII, force, mentioned in its representation to the goddesses Greek Cyrene, whom domio the lion that tormented the Kingdom from their parents only with the help of their hands. And why, was taken by the tarot as a perfect representation of the strength of the spirit that overcomes above matter and transcends it. This arcane speaks especially of the need to conquer himself as a previous step to conquer the world. And a force of powerful will that manages to subdue the base instincts and passions. Force leads to paths that are opened before who advances assured, with courage, conviction and determination. And it is therefore considered an arcane encourages action. Traditionally, mental and spiritual activity is considered as too thoughtful and opposite. But force reminds us that only a firm and determined spirit can overcome obstacles and traps that tend you the weaknesses of character and progress in the action. When it appears this arcane in tarot Chuck also predicts the consultant you have great vitality and strength physical, as well as all the energy necessary to carry out their projects with the desired success. If it appears inverted, by contrast, this arcane may be warning about the dangers of lower arms and abandon the struggle in pursuit of making our dreams, projects and dreams. The force in an inverted position paints a weak person who has delivered, carried away by their weaknesses or leaving to fight in adverse situations. Other more delicate interpretations bring us the image of a person who, because of weakness or fear, acts with extreme hardness, even to situations of violence. In the same way as the arcane XI, justice, concerns not only legal issues but all conflicts arising from bias and lack of balance, force painted a situation of discord,...