
State Registration Chamber Restructuring the organization is to improve the efficiency of its operations and profits. Restructuring of the holdings is made to convert neskolkihodnoy of the child entities or the entire outline. Standard restructuring holding the five steps: setting goals, analyzing results of the process, the restructuring, planning, diagnosis and potential of the holding state. Defining goals is to acknowledge the founders of the need for change in the holding. sion. The analysis shows the right state of holding: its problems and advantages. After starting the development of a strategy of restructuring of the holding: forecast risks and prospects, identify options and paths. On the basis of the restructuring procedure is adopted and begins the process. This is the fourth step. It is a selection of professional restructuring. The last step - monitoring and evaluation of outcomes. Law firms have a standard list of services in the restructuring of holdings: the development schemes, development of internal documents, the collection of documents, preparation of contracts, statements of subsidiaries plan firms, protection of the rights of the holding, the optimization of the system and so on. Registration of foreign subsidiaries is not an easy task. There are two main points of this process: accreditation in the State Registration Chamber and premises registered in the extra-budgetary funds, tax authorities. There is quite a big list of documents for registration of a foreign branch office. Of these, the main ones: a written request for permission to open a branch in indicating the time of establishment, activity, contacts and business relations with Russian businesses, positions, goals, charter, certificate of registration of foreign legal entity approved by the foreign legal person to open a branch; treatment recommendation bank's position on foreign subsidiaries; attorney to practice before a foreign jur. person; letters of the Russian partners. The second step...
General Consulate The citizenship means an action that says respect the legal condition of who makes the order. Through the citizenship, a citizen can alar legal condition of two diverse countries, as Brazil and the Poland, to alar the Polish citizenship, and to have its allowed entrance, without the requirement of authorizations in both countries in which she possesss the legal conditions. This action, of if obtaining a citizenship of another localization have place through the solicitation for the Consulate. It is an action relatively delayed and with stages to be reached. This involves the angariao of innumerable papers and the guiding of each one of them of the correct form. Normally, the decidadania act of petition is made using the Consulate, where of some form if it is capable to obtain specifications on each point that will be necessary. Beyond the Consulate, it has specific companies in the acquisition of citizenship and that they loan to all the essential orientation for who needs one helps certain. They put in charge themselves to observe all the specific papelada one and to direct it. Differentiated laws exist in accordance with that conduct the citizenships, the State. Here in Brazil the call reigns ground law, that takes in consideration the localization of birth is what it interests to get the citizenship. Already for the Poland, what dirige the law of the Polish citizenship is known ' ' law of sangue' '. Such law demonstrates that the right the Polish citizenship passes of father for son, in rule. This demonstrates that it does not matter where the citizen has been born, to acquire the Polish citizenship. This citizenship is transmitted of generation the generation, without a limit determined daily pay, as it happens with other nationalities, as the Italian, for example, where the citizenship unicamente...